In this combined animation-film project, I plan to take the animated character of myself (represented in the drawings above) and show her walking through a black and white, either olden film or cartoon, streets. The character will trip into a puddle of color which will fully engulf her, creating a falling sensation like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. As she falls into the puddle, it will expand over the entire screen allowing the composition to completely change into color and distorted video. I will stretch and distort the character as she falls with a background of colorful and conflicting facial expressions changing in form and color as she passes them. I hope to be able to achieve the character fully flipping around, giving a whole 360 degree viewing of my drawing. She will look around and pick a flower on her journey and end up in the same place as the beginning, but upside-down with a new sense of identity and a souvenir.
Brainstorm: Storyboard
Updated: Oct 26, 2020